About Us

Leading Pharmacy Academy in Mumbai & Thane

About National Pharmacy Academy

National Pharmacy Academy has built a sprawling campus with cutting-edge facilities. We have modern libraries, well-equipped labs, and a drug museum. We also intend to introduce additional innovative facilities that will aid in the development of students’ potential. We know that everyone’s needs, circumstances, and goals are unique, therefore we strive to make your studies as appealing, adaptable, and gratifying as possible.

Our Mission

To serve society with quality and value-based education.

Our Courses

D.Pharma, often known as Diploma in Pharmacy, is a pharmacy undergraduate diploma programme that teaches the fundamentals of pharmaceutical science. After completing this two-year course, the candidate will be a registered pharmacist who can work for both private and public institutions.


Bachelor of Pharmacy, or B.Pharma, is a four-year undergraduate curriculum in which students study how to make and administer medications. The practical sessions and coursework divide the course into 6 to 8 semesters. The candidates who have completed D.Pharma can get direct admission to B.Pharm Part-II.

B.Sc in Nursing

A B.Sc. in Nursing is a four-year undergraduate degree that focuses on teaching students about nursing. This course is available to students who have completed Biology in Grade 12.

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Our Vision

  • To offer quality education and mould the personality of the current generation.
  • To create strong academic and industry lin to widen the service area.
  • For equipping students with the best skillsets.
  • To keep on contributing to the upliftment of the status of the pharmaceutical field.

Why Us

Meeting Your Needs

Finding a school that meets your requirements is essential for making your college experience enjoyable.

Realizing Your Dreams

With a degree in hand, your options are limitless. Your studies can lead you to a great job with the right networking and exposure.

Surpassing Your Goals

Your success doesn’t need to stop once you achieve your degree. Education can last a lifetime and put you miles ahead of the rest.


To be the center of excellence in Pharmaceutical education and research, with global partnership and collaborations leading to students development from all sections of society


To develop an evolving educational system with optimum infrastructure, competent and dedicated manpower, appropriate interaction with industries and institutes of high reputes


To provide world class infrastructure and learning environment and support to research, consultancy and development activities in all the professional program as per the requirement of the corporate world.

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